Dear Diary,
So sorry I have not written. I have been very busy doing all the stuff that adults do such as trick-or-treating (I mean accompanying my son while he went trick-or-treating), wasting time online (there is this new thing called Twitter and Facebook), reading a book or two (yes, we still do that with actual books), and most of all playing the Guitar Hero game on the Wii (believe me, it's way better than Atari) with my husband. Oh, and my son.
You see, we recently purchased Guitar Hero World Tour. This involves a lead guitar, a bass guitar, a set of drums and a microphone. Much fun can be had by playing eighties rock songs and seventies hits and even a few nineties gems with fake instruments on a video game. Seems the days of Pacman and Tetris have morphed into something completely different in the year 2008. Funny thing sense of competitiveness has grown with the purchase of this new game. My husband challenged me to move beyond "easy" level to "medium." And so I did. I am not a firstborn for nothing. Challenge me and I will take up on it in most cases. I double-dog-dare you.
I'm getting pretty good now if I do say so myself. My husband plays the darn thing more than I do and has already attempted the "hard" off. But I'm here for the Throw Down. He's gone for two weeks on and off this month and I will show him. I'm going to practice every night and master "Eye of the Tiger" or "Beat It."
It seems like only yesterday when I was dancing to "Eye of the Tiger" at a friend's slumber party and son knows it? Weird. And Michael Jackson was too cool for words when I was in 7th grade. My friend even had the red leather zipper jacket. Maybe for effect, I should put on a marl knit sweater and leggings. It might put me in the mood to rock.
Well, I'd better lock this yellow diary up tonight. Don't want that husband to accidentally see what I've written. My secret's safe here, I think. I can't let him know my plan to take over Guitar Hero Universe...
See you tomorrow!