I took a step in the right direction on the office makeover this weekend. Dan and I went to Lowe's and I grabbed several paint samples. We also had a great walk-thru on ordering blinds for our large window in that room. We took a book home to see how the samples look. I am leaning towards the natural wood type in a roman loop shade. These are not wood slats, some options look like sticks all pulled together. Earlier in the week, I had also checked out a book of samples from Costco, but their selection is quite slim.
Upon bringing the samples home and holding them all up on the wall, there are a few we like. One thing I had not really paid attention to before was that the black desk with cherry-like counter, also has reddish brown paint on the black sections. This makes it look weathered, but it can look really terrible with certain paint colors. In fact, it eliminated quite a few! So, my options are centered on warmer colors: pond, bungalow blue, cafe ole, corkboard and sprig. Don't you love color names? These colors are all from the Eddie Bauer collection at Lowe's and I do love me some Eddie Bauer.
A few of those colors are definitely on the bottom of the pile. I am not sure that I want to be wrapped in the corkboard color during the darkest months of the year. Also the sprig is extremely turquoise and as pretty as it is on a 2x2 square, I don't believe it will work for our four walls. This week, I will venture to good ole Home Depot to see what they have.
Today we ventured to Sandy Bottom Berries in Greenville to pick some blueberries and raspberries. After a few hours of hard work from Dan and I (and very little work from a certain 12 year old), I have now frozen 43 cups of blueberries and probably around 15 or 20 cups of raspberries. YUM. I plan to use them in the smoothies that I have most every day for breakfast and also will attempt to make some pies. Of course, blueberry buckle is on the horizon, as well as pancakes and blueberry pound cake.
It is so fun to pick blueberries. If you haven't tried it, I urge you to try. They are so pretty! Both of my buckets were filled up from two bushes plus one to top them off--that's how full they were. With a couple hours of work, you can get fresh berries from local farmers and that is a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon.